Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dental Innovation in the Year 2017

The field of dentistry is constantly evolving and changing to best suit patient needs. After reviewing various web sources and researching trends in dental innovation, here are ten different technologies that you might find in your dentist’s office as of the year 2017.

1. VELscope—VELscope is a special type of light that a dentist will shine in a patient’s mouth to detect any abnormalities. This new form of technology is effectively used to detect early forms of cancer or disease during an oral cancer screening.

2. Digital X-Rays—Digital X-rays are faster and contain less radiation than traditional X-rays. When a patient has a digital X-ray done, the image appears on the computer in a matter of seconds. Your dentist can then zoom into the image to better assess and educate the patient regarding their oral health. Digital X-rays are also less harmful for patients as they contain up to 90% less radiation compared to traditional X-rays.

3. Invisalign—Invisalign are clear, practically invisible braces that can gently straighten your teeth. They provide an effective and comfortable way to straighten your smile without the inconvenience of wearing heavy, metal braces. Invisalign braces are easy to take out for cleaning and don’t require a restriction on what type of foods to eat. They get the job done in less time with less hassle.

4. Laser Dentistry—Lasers are used to improve efficiency and eliminate discomfort in a number dental procedures, including filling cavities, reducing tooth sensitivity, getting rid of tumors, and whitening. Laser dentistry is fast, painless, and can effectively eliminate any form of bacteria during the procedure to avoid any further complications or problems.

5. Dental Implants—Dental implants are screw-replacements for the root portion of missing teeth. Implants are used to restore healthy smiles when patients have missing teeth. Implants are effective because they can replace missing teeth, while still giving the patient the feel and look of a natural tooth.

6. HealOzone—HealOzone is a fast, easy and painless way to eliminate tooth decay. HealOzone is effective because it contains ozone (O3), which is a common, natural gas that effectively kills bacteria and fungus. HealOzone is a great tool to detect and get rid of any early signs of tooth decay before it progresses to a more advanced stage.

7. DIAGNOdent— DIAGNOdent is a new, state of the art device that dentists use to detect cavities that are hiding in places regular x-rays can’t find. It ensures that your mouth has been thoroughly checked for early signs of cavities to avoid you having to spend more in the future if the cavities progress and expand.

8. Intraoral Camera—The intraoral camera is a tool that dentists use to gain precise and well-defined pictures of hard to see places within a patient’s mouth. The camera also allows dentist to show these images to patients while assessing and educating the patient’s needs. This new form of technology allows dentist to conduct a thorough checkup of your mouth and better assess their patient’s oral care needs.

9. Zoom! Whitening—Zoom! Whitening is a new, state of the art whitening treatment that gives our patients fast and easy results. In just one appointment, Zoom! Whitening can make a significant change in a person’s smile and can make their teeth up to eight shades whiter.

10. Nitrous Oxide and (Intravenous) IV Sedation—Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, can calm a patient down to a point that they are relaxed but can still interact with their dentist. On the other hand, IV sedation puts a patient to sleep completely so that they are unaware of what happened during their dental session. This is usually recommended for patients who are fearful of going to the dentist or for procedures that are painful such as wisdom teeth extraction.

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950

Monday, May 29, 2017

The Truth about the Dental Chair

As a periodontist, the dental chair symbolizes various things for different patients...stress, inconvenience, fear, and anxiety...and it should be the goal of every dental practitioner to challenge those perceptions and change them...patients don't want to be at the dental office in the first place and I understand that...their time in our chair should be as efficient and painless as possible...courtesy calls to check up on patients after any surgical procedures should be routine and common should be quick and easy, in and out...and a consistent, quality result should be the final outcome every time we have the privilege of assisting patients meet their dental goals...because at the end of the day, no patient wants to become a fixture in our practice, even though we make it as comfy and cozy as possible for them...they want to be back out in the world living life where they belong....just my two cents and not a penny more.

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950

Dental Fun Facts

* Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body; however, we do NOT recommend that you use your pearly whites to open bottles!
* The plaque found on your teeth is home to more than 300 different species of bacteria. Listerine, anyone?
* The average person spends about 48 seconds per day brushing their teeth, but dentists recommend at least 2 or 3 minutes.
* 6 is the magic number–magic number of feet away from your toilet you should store your toothbrush in order to avoid airborne particles from toilet flushing making their way to your bristles, yuck!
* In 1994, a West Virginia prison inmate braided dental floss into a rope, scaled the wall, and escaped! We suggest that you use it to clean the 35% of your teeth’s surfaces that you are missing when only brushing, rather than to escape from any prisons (better yet, just don’t go to prison, ok?)
* The common practice of placing a cap on your toothbrush is actually more detrimental–bacteria favor the moist environment, which increases reproduction.
* According to a recent survey by Time magazine, 59% of people would rather have a dental appointment than sit next to someone who is talking on a cell phone (and I don’t blame ‘em!)
* At least 3 out of 4 Americans suffer from some form of periodontal gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss for people over the age of 35. The good news: Gum disease can be prevented and controlled!
* In China, in 1498, the first toothbrush with bristles was made, using hair from hogs, horses, and badgers. The first official commercial toothbrush was manufactured in 1938.
* A snail’s mouth is no larger than the head of a pin, but can contain over 25,000 teeth!
* In early America, blacksmiths often also served as dentists. How about a tooth filling to go with your new horse shoes?!
* In Egypt, mummies have been found with fillings comprised of resin and malachite, and gold wire was used to bind together loose teeth.
* The Romans, in 200 AD, used pretty impressive dental technology! They restored cavity-ridden teeth with gold crowns, and utilized fixed bridgework to fix gaps from missing teeth. They also used a form of toothpaste concocted from honey and crushed eggshells.
* In Medieval Germany, the only cure for a toothache was to kiss a donkey.
* 73% of Americans would rather go grocery shopping than floss.
* What’s the object most often choked on by Americans? A toothpick! Wouldn’t it just be easier to floss?
* The average woman smiles about 62 times per day! A man? Only 8.
* 50% of people surveyed say that a person’s smile is the first physical trait they notice.
* Like your fingerprints, everyone has a unique set of teeth. Even identical twins have different “dental fingerprints”!
* The stone-faced farmer in artist Grant Wood’s famous “American Gothic” painting was actually the artist’s dentist!
* Sports-related injuries account for approximately 5 million missing teeth per year, so make sure you wear a mouthguard, if you or your little ones are athletes.
*Americans spend $100 billion per year on hair care products – and only $2 billion a year on dental care products. What good is great hair without a great smile?
* Contrary to popular belief, George Washington’s famous dentures weren’t made from wood. His four pairs of custom chompers were crafted from gold, ivory, lead and a mixture of human, donkey, and hippopotamus teeth (take care of yours and you won’t have to think about it!).

* The cotton candy making machine that made widely consumed cotton candy possible was co-invented by a dentist. Before it was cotton candy, the fluffy confection was called “fairy floss.”

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Truth about Taking Out Your Own Tooth

This could be the "stupidest" thing I have ever done in my life but it seemed like a good idea at the time...a couple of months before getting married on New Year's Eve, my upper left wisdom tooth had flared up on me once again...and on a random Friday in November, I was determined to remove it out of my first my goal was to not let it ruin my big day and/or honeymoon...but I also thought to myself, an opportunity to experience an extraction firsthand and receive immediate feedback of pressure and/or pain could be monumental in understanding this procedure from my patients', I couldn't numb myself up on my own and I thank my wonderful hygienist for providing that service...I guess there is something about sticking yourself with a needle that seems so off-putting...from there, the experience was incredible in terms of understanding how much force I was generating with my instruments and what that felt like in the mouth...I can honestly say that I have a greater appreciation for the pressure we generate and I feel like I was able to accurately gauge the breaking point where the pressure started to feel uncomfortable...the tooth came out no problem but the curvature of the roots/root tips could have been a total nightmare if they fractured off in the process...hence the stupidity of doing it myself...all in all, it was an "interesting experiment" and perhaps I practice a little differently these days knowing that pressure may not be pain but it can still be uncomfortable to's all about finding the sweet spot where the tooth starts to move and wiggle while still being bearable to the patient...I guess now I can say I "truly" understand :)

You can see it here firsthand if you dare:

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Truth about Swollen Gums

Recently I've had a wave of new patients presenting with a complaint of swollen gums...these patients are terrified that they might be losing their teeth...perhaps they have heard of friends or family members having swollen gums that turned out to an abscess or a localized infection...and maybe those cases turned into a root canal or an extraction...but the swollen gums I'm seeing these days are nothing more than mouths requiring a little bit of TLC..and that's all there usually is to it...perhaps a good old debridement or a more specialized deeper cleaning is all that is needed and these situations usually respond very well to treatment.  Swollen gums are usually not the end of the world but if this is a repeated complaint over several or many years and you haven't visited the dental office in a while, it might be a good time to go in for a checkup...just a thought.

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950

Monday, May 22, 2017

The Truth about Brushing

I think we all know people who don't brush their teeth after every meal...I'm pretty sure we know people that brush only morning and night, which could very well be the majority of us...and then there are people who brush only once a day, likely in the morning when they first get up...and yet there is a big disparity between gum disease rates in each of these three groups...of course there are usually a number of compounding factors related to gum disease progression, but within these three groups, I have seen a great deal of variation over time...for example, my parents brush there teeth only once a day and yet in their 60's, they have great bone levels and minimal gum problems for their age...then I have patients who brush their teeth 4-5+ times a day and yet they have calculus/tartar build-up growing on their teeth at the speed of weed growth on the front lawn.  To this day, I never point the finger and say to patients that they aren't doing enough to get their gum disease under control.  Many factors play a role in gum disease and all we can ever ask of our patients is to continue their efforts and do their best...and at the end of the day, frequent brushing may still lead to progressing gum problems and infrequent/daily brushing may not create the problems that others encounter...just my two cents and not a penny more.

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Truth about a Dental Bridge vs. a Dental Implant

I think sometimes a dental bridge is a more appropriate treatment option than a dental implant...yes, I just said what you think I just said.  As a specialist who places implants almost as frequent as treating periodontal disease, there are instances when a bridge may be the better option.  If you're 75 or 80 years old, I have a hard time recommending a dental implant, especially if there are other compounding factors ie. medical history, medications, invasiveness of the procedure, at hand.  Case in point, your upper first molar has to come out, the surrounding bone is broken down and the sinus is encapsulating the roots and there is a very high chance of a sinus opening during the procedure.  You have minor health issues popping up on a routine basis, you are a borderline controlled/at times poorly controlled diabetic, you take about 12-18 different medications which you don't even recall the names of, your blood pressure runs high from time to time, and you form sweat droplets on the brim of your eyebrows just thinking about the inconvenience of dental procedures.  To close off the sinus after tooth extraction and then rebuild the bone in this area may not be in the best interests of certain patients and a bridge may be a more attractive option.  Not everyone wants to go through the motions of dealing with surgery and the possible complications that may arise from the procedures we do.  Lets say a tooth is failing due to periodontal disease and its on its way out...placing a dental implant in a mouth with periodontal issues doesn't always seem like a great fit.  What's to say that the implant will not experience the same problems caused by the same bacteria inside of your mouth.  Sure a dental implant cannot decay but they are not impervious to bone loss.  Sometimes we are just trading one set of problems for another. And despite what I just said, we accommodate the patients preference when we know deep down inside that there is a possibility that the dental implant may not be the impermanent restoration that we believe them to be.  You're missing a tooth for the last 10 years and the bone is non-existent for implant placement.  I am perfectly fine with a patient picking a dental bridge over trying to reconstruct the bone for a future implant.  At the end of the day, a dental chair represents stress and inconvenience for our patients...and no matter how hard we try as a periodontal office to create the best environment for our patients and despite getting good to great surgical results with minimal post-op complications and downtime for the patient, the thought of surgery may seem like the least appetizing option...even though dental implants may be the better long-term option over a dental bridge, I understand if the patient chooses the latter...

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950

Friday, May 19, 2017

The Truth about Loose Teeth

I have seen my fair share of loose teeth at this point in my career and it never ceases to amaze me that, depending on the extent of tooth mobility, loose teeth do in fact last.  As to how long, no one ever knows for sure - our ability to prognosticate is just as good as flipping a coin and calling out heads or tails. Of course teeth that are floating around like wind chimes may not have the greatest prognosis and in most cases should be taken out. . But I have given many loose teeth the benefit of the doubt and they seem to hang around year after year.  Sometimes we recommend conservative laser therapy to regenerate some of the structure that holds the teeth in place. Sometimes we recommended adding growth factors and bone to improve the surrounding environment for the teeth.  Sometimes we maintain loose teeth with more frequent teeth cleanings.  Sometimes we recommended splinting or fixating the teeth in place, just like a white picket fence.  Regardless of the options that are chosen, I still believe in saving teeth.   Dental Implants, as an alternative, may not be the holy grail of tooth permanence that we once thought they were.  Implants have their own set of problems and at the end of the day, they still aren't teeth like we would want them to be.  Just my two cents and not a penny more...  

Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry   (847) 818-9950